Tuesday, November 25, 2008


M got a fish tank for his birthday. W took him out to get two fish, one black and one white/orange. He named the black bullseye and the white/orange Turman. After one day in the tank, Bullseye died. It's sad! I was trying to keep him alive but it didn't work. I don't think the filter was giving enough air in the water so today I'm going to buy a piece that's supposed to blow bubbles in the water. Bullseye was an all black fish but turned gold while dying. It was really weird. RIP Bullseye



Jazzy said...

Poor Bullseye...RIP.

Jazzy said...

and Happy Belated Birthday M!

LILCEIA said...

His Birthday is tomorrow. He got the tank early :) I will give him your Birthday wishes. Thanks :)

M. said...

Ah man! Bummer. What kind of fish? And where are the photos??

M. said...

Oh man I'm jealous. That's so nice.

Jazzy said...

Shit...I thought today was two days ahead of the calendar...my bad! I know the day - just am an idiot!